Monday, October 5, 2015

Where am I?

Life is one beautiful trip

This is the first morning that I woke up and had no idea where I was. No panic, just a moment of reorientation. It appears I am in Flagstaff, Arizona. It's misting, and I'm headed off to Gallup, NM to pick up the Jeep. Yay!

I've dropped Joelle at the San Diego airport and miss her company. What a testament to our good friendship that we spent an entire week together and got along perfectly. Very harmonious. 

Scooter is a good listener, though. 

Joelle heading back to Texas
It's official: I've driven from coast to coast. This is also the longest I've ever been away from home. And what a week to be away from home – record rainfall and flooding in Charleston. (how ironic that I was driving across the Mojave at the time) Griffin is safe. It took him four hours to notice he had lost power, and it was restored within the day. The house is dry, although the streets are flooded just a few blocks away. Our house is on some of the highest ground in the neighborhood, being 8 feet above sea level. We are grateful for this blessing.

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