Monday, September 7, 2015

Dupont State Forest

Life is one beautiful trip

Clan Roe hit the trails at Dupont State Forest and brought Scooter and me along. We hiked High Falls and Triple Falls with time out for Eoghan and Duncan to enjoy the cool, clear water. Scooter took a dip, too. 

Scooter will follow Gretchen anywhere. 

Scooter loves hiking. Just look at that smile.

High Falls

That's Pat behind me with Atticus and Petey.

Gretchen, Atticus, Petey, Scooter, and me
with me every mile of the way

Hunger Games scenes were filmed here.

Monday morning, it was time to head back home after a wonderful weekend. My path took me down Route 25 through Flat Rock, NC. Miss B (Miss B is the car. She is so sweet she needs a name. ) sure loved taking the twisties on her low profile Pirellis. Fun drive in the cool morning breeze. 

For those of you who think there may be a shortage on confederate flags, look no further than the Dixie Republic in Travelers Rest, SC. There is no apostrophe; I checked. This will drive my editor friends crazy. 
Dixie Republic Southern Merchandise in Travelers Rest, SC

Next up was a stop at the REI in Greenville, SC. I mean really, it was practically right on the way home. Look at that floating tent. It's designed for camping in Area 51, which I will be driving by on the way to California next month.

Like a kid in a candy store

Today's tune

Parliament – Mothership Connection
You have to watch this. It's too much fun. Funkadelic aliens. 

Today's Gratitude
safe travels
great weather this weekend
Gretchen's righteous cooking
Griffin, always

1 comment:

  1. sure was fun to have you here- cannot wait to do it again!!!


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