Sunday, September 13, 2015

Road trip movies

Life is one beautiful trip

I stumbled across a previously undiscovered Christopher Walken movie the other night, called $5 a Day, released in 2008. How could I not have seen this before? It was fun, quirky inspiration for my own trip, and also the second Walken road trip movie I could recall. 

In that spirit, below is my list of favorite road movies, in no particular order.

$5 a DayChristopher Walken and Sharon Stone

Almost FamousKate Hudson and Philip Seymour Hoffman

AmelieNatalie Taotou The colors are rich and the set decoration is lush.

Around the BendChristopher Walken and Michael Caine Hasn't it been established that Christopher Walken dances in every movie in which he appears?

Blues BrothersDan Akroyd and John Belushi One of my favorite quotes of all time is from this film. "It's a hundred and six miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses."

Seven Years in TibetBrad Pitt Brad Pitt and the Dalai Llama. It just doesn't get any better than that.

Tommy Boy Chris Farley and David Spade The deer scene has made tears come to my eyes every one of the 17 times I've watched this movie.

TwisterHelen Hunt and Bill Paxton While technically not considered a road movie, they sure spent a lot of time driving around; and who doesn't like flying cows?

So what are your favorite road movies? Drop me a line in the comments.

Today's tune

Orinoco Flow – Enya

Today's Gratitude
living close to the beach
the things that go wrong
first cool breeze of the season
Griffin, always

1 comment:

  1. I like the movie RV. I am not savvy enough to know how to post the pic. Jo


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